Wildlife Tales from My Colorado Craft Haven

Where Knitting Meets Critters and Gardens Host Gossip Sessions

So, picture this: Southwest Colorado, where my knitting needles and gardening trowels mingle with the locals – the wildlife! From my crafting corner, I’ve got a front-row seat to nature’s sitcom, and let me tell you, it’s both hilarious and awe inspiring.

Hummingbird High-Speed Chase

Colorado has the best hummingbirds. Squirrel spying on the garden. Colorado wildlife knitting outside with Liz Chandler @PurlsAndPixels.

Ever tried knitting while hummingbirds zip around? It’s like a NASCAR race with wings! These speedsters inspire me to pick vibrant yarn colors, because, let’s face it, life’s too short for dull colors when hummingbirds are around.

Squirrel Shenanigans and Cheeky Chipmunks

Squirrel spying on the garden. Colorado wildlife knitting outside with Liz Chandler @PurlsAndPixels.

Gardening with squirrels and chipmunks around is a bit like playing hide-and-seek. They eye my veggies, I try to protect ’em. It’s a constant game of “Who’s got the best tricks?” Their antics remind me to knit resilient stitches, just in case they decide to get crafty with my knitting basket.

A silly chipmunk tries to drive a Tonka Truck through my garden. Colorado wildlife knitting outside with Liz Chandler @PurlsAndPixels.

Deer Drama Queen

As twilight sets in, the deer emerge, looking all majestic until they nibble on my carefully tended plants! They’re the garden divas, strutting in for a snack. But hey, their elegance sometimes sneaks into my knitting patterns – subtle and graceful, just like those sneaky but graceful nibblers.

Mamma mule deer and her twin fawns looking for food. Colorado wildlife knitting outside with Liz Chandler @PurlsAndPixels.

Butterfly Makeovers

A caterpillar snacks on dill in the garden. Colorado wildlife knitting outside with Liz Chandler @PurlsAndPixels.

From caterpillar chaos to butterfly beauty, the garden’s got its own makeover show! It’s like witnessing a craft project in fast-forward. Their transformations nudge me to experiment with new knitting patterns – after all, change is a beautiful thing, right?

A yellow butterfly in flight to a fruit tree blossom. Colorado wildlife knitting outside with Liz Chandler @PurlsAndPixels.
A yellow butterfly lands on a fruit tree blossom. Colorado wildlife knitting outside with Liz Chandler @PurlsAndPixels.

Songbird Karaoke Nights

Wild Colorado Songbird observing the lettuce in my garden.  Wild turkeys love to peck at the garden. Colorado wildlife knitting outside with Liz Chandler @PurlsAndPixels.

These songbirds make my gardening soundtrack! It’s a full-on karaoke session out there. Their tunes fuel my knitting rhythm. Who knew a knitting session could double as an open mic night for nature’s finest crooners? And what’s extra-exciting in my neck of the woods is to hear the Steller’s Jays imitate the local hawks. Sometimes I hear a hawk scream and look up to see this fellow. The little stinker does it to clear the garden of other birds that might be competing for food. They hear a hawk and flee, while the Jay feasts happily, knowing the birds of prey are not on the attack.

Steller's Jays can imitate hawks and other sounds. Colorado wildlife knitting outside with Liz Chandler @PurlsAndPixels.
A hawk scratches his face, taking a break. Wild turkeys love to peck at the garden. Colorado wildlife knitting outside with Liz Chandler @PurlsAndPixels.

Wild Turkey Troublemakers

Wild turkeys love to peck at the garden. Colorado wildlife knitting outside with Liz Chandler @PurlsAndPixels.

Now, speaking of wild birds, I often run into the most beautiful flock of wild turkeys while knitting and gardening outside. They are adorable and so fun to watch. But they do love a good garden snack, just like anyone else. Do I share? Usually. They’re too fun to run off.

Wild turkeys love to peck at the garden. Colorado wildlife knitting outside with Liz Chandler @PurlsAndPixels.

Bumbling Bees

Lets not forget the most important of the garden creatures to visit while I’m clicking my knitting needles. Both honey and bumble bees are both vital to the garden’s survival and to my knitting bliss. Listen to the sweet soft buzzing while you weave together your newest knitting project. Your mind will thank you for the tranquility.

Don’t Forget to Look Up

Those knitting stitches do keep your eyes focused. But don’t forget to take a break and look up every now and then. Otherwise you might miss spotting some really amazing wildlife.

Don't forget to look up, or you might miss the wildlife.Colorado wildlife knitting outside with Liz Chandler @PurlsAndPixels.

In Southwest Colorado, my knitting and gardening adventures unfold amidst the quirkiest cast of characters – the local wildlife! Their shenanigans and charm sneak into my crafting choices, adding a touch of nature’s comedy to my cozy craft haven.

Join Liz Chandler knitting in her Colorado mountain haven. Garden, grow, and learn to knit at purlsandpixels.com.

Knit along with me and be sure you follow me on Instagram: that’s where I share my best nature and knitting photos.

Let’s be friends! @PurlsAndPixels on Instagram.


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