How tie up loose yarn ends on your knitting
A tutorial from Liz @PurlsAndPixels
After you make and bind off a piece of knitting, you will almost always have one or more yarn tails to weave into your piece. There are two schools of thought on how to get rid of loose yarn ends on knitting. Knitting purists say you should weave in your ends so there are no knots in your knitting. I say go ahead and knot if a knot will anchor your yarn better. Here I’ll introduce you to how I finish off my knits. I’ll show you how to knot in a loose end, as well as a standard way to weave in your loose ends using a “duplicate stitch” pattern.
This page is just an introduction. For more detailed tutorials (with video guides), check out these pages:
Weave in and Tie Off Loose Ends on Flat Knits
Knot in Yarn Ends
To knot in your loose end, first split the strand of yarn in two; using a tapestry needle makes this easier.
Next, put one of the new strands of yarn on the tapestry needle and sew the yarn under a leg of a knit stitch to anchor it in place. Take the yarn off the tapestry needle.
Pick up an end of the yarn in each hand. Tie a simple knot with the two ends (loop the left strand of yarn over then under the right strand). Let go of the ends of the yarn. The left strand of yarn will now be the right strand, and vice versa, since the knot will cause the pieces to switch places. Pick up the two strands of yarn again.
Tie another simple knot in the exact same manner as the first. Pull tight. If the knot slips when pulled, tie a third knot in the same manner and pull tightly.
Cut the yarn close to the knot.
Weave in Yarn Ends
Instead of tying in your loose end, you can choose to weave in your loose end without knots. This is a good option for rougher yarns like raw wool, since these yarn fibers grab onto each other.
Thread the loose end onto a tapestry needle. Following the pattern of the stitches in your knitting, weave your ends in with the stitches of the fabric. You can follow one row down your work until at least 4 inches of your loose end has been woven into the fabric. Or to make your end more secure, weave it up diagonally through the knitted work.
Learn more about weaving in and tying off your loose ends on flat knits with another knitting lesson you can find here.
Now that you are free of loose yarn ends, your work can be finished and use your knit now. Or, you can learn to “block” your knits to make your stitches look more perfect.
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